Plywood in Vietnam’s modern living space

Plywood plywood is widely used in interior design thanks to its beauty and reliability, suitable for the living space of Vietnamese families.

Plywood (pressed or glued wood) is a popular type material on the market. Many engineers, carpenters, people preparing to build new houses … are given priority to choose plywood thanks to the versatility and versatility of this product.

Plywood is made up of many natural wood layers, arranged at the corners of each layer according to the wood grain of each layer. Each layer is bonded together by heat-resonant glue or pressure, forming a solid block.

According to the intended use, designers can choose plywood with artificial coating such as paper, plastic, or premium products such as HPL, or protective transparent coating to keep the simple beauty of the wood.

Composite the face of plywood in overlay the other quality of other material, giving this product a modern personality while preserving the pure value.

To the naked eye, plywood distinguishes goods easily from different types of work. The cross-section of a plywood sheet will reveal layered layers of light wood that are interconnected. This thing is from other specialness in constructor between materials and also preferred – disadvantages, special uses of plywood line.

Plywood is still defined as wood in many countries, different from the concept of “artificial wood”, or “industrial wood” that many people often call.

BusinessEnterpriseWritingSaturday, December 28, 2019, 09:00 (GMT+7)
Plywood in Vietnam’s modern living space
Plywood plywood is widely used in interior design thanks to its beauty and reliability, sustainability, suitable for the living space of Vietnamese families.

Plywood (plywood or plywood) is a popular material in the market. Many engineers, carpenters, people preparing to build new houses… all favor plywood thanks to its versatility and versatility as well as the durability and solidity of this product.

Plywood is made up of many layers of natural wood, arranged perpendicularly to each other in the direction of the wood grain of each layer. Each layer is bonded together by glue plus the impact of heat or pressure, forming a solid mass.

Depending on the intended use, designers can choose plywood with artificial coatings such as paper, plastic, or high-end products such as HPL, or transparent protective coatings to keep the simple beauty of wood.

The surface of plywood is suitable for coating different types of materials, giving this product a modern personality while preserving the pure values ​​of the wood.

With the naked eye, customers can easily distinguish plywood from other industrial boards. The cross-section of a plywood sheet will reveal successive layers of light wood. This comes from the difference in structure between the materials and also brings advantages – disadvantages, separate uses of this plywood line.

Plywood is still defined as wood in many countries, different from the concept of “artificial wood”, or “industrial wood” that most people often call.

The quality and classification of plywood is based on the type of wood that makes up the plywood, the thickness of the layer of wood, the type of glue used to bind it…

Thanks to the above special structure, plywood possesses many advantages of resonance from natural wood and industrial woods. The first thing to mention is the aesthetics – the factor that makes many people still pursue natural wood, despite the expensive price. However, the process of making a finished product from a block of wood wastes a lot of materials. Therefore, many designers choose plywood, a material that takes advantage of the wood source while still having a bright appearance and bringing the “breath” of natural wood into the living space of every Vietnamese family.

Second, the value of plywood lies in its reliability. Wood is a material that is affected by humidity and temperature of the environment. The combination of glue and the horizontal and vertical layering structure of the wood grain in plywood will limit the ability to absorb and evaporate water, helping this material maintain stability, less swelling, warping, or cracking of the surface.

Thanks to these advantages, plywood is the right choice for furniture, ensuring long-term use, optimizing initial investment costs.

The outstanding advantages mentioned above are the reason why plywood is used more and more widely in large and small architectures in Vietnamese houses. Plywood is popular as a wall or floor with good bearing capacity, bringing peace of mind to users. In addition, plywood is also applied on all kinds of finished products from furniture (tables, shelves, cabinets…) to decorative items. Wherever it appears, plywood always blows a subtle, rustic breeze of wood mixed with modern features into the overall look.

When choosing, modern designers often consider carefully from the wood materials that make up the plywood, to the uniform size of each layer of wood, the adhesive minimizes formaldehyde, which is harmful to users’ health.

Some prominent units in the application of plywood to the interior – exterior such as TEKCOM have invested a lot in the production stage, to create finished products, meeting the strict standards of the world market. , especially the European, Japanese and American markets.

Xu hướng lựa chọn plywood của giới thiết kế đã mang đến hơi thở gỗ theo một cách hiện đại vào không gian kiến trúc Việt Nam. Loại vật liệu tinh tế này đã chinh phục giới thiết kế thế giới trong suốt nhiều thập kỷ qua và nay được kỳ vọng sẽ tạo ra những thay đổi tinh tế trong căn nhà của các gia đình Việt.


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